Manage Scorecards
to set up scorecards.On the
page, you can:- Create and maintain scorecards.
- Set up and modify custom categories.
- Manually enter goal achievement values and make monthly adjustments.
- Set the global scorecard parameters.
The four Manage Scorecard setup tabs are:
- Manage Scorecards
- Use this tab to create scorecards and define how a user's goal achievement is measured. You can also delete, edit, or copy existing scorecards.
- Performance Measures
- Use this tab to select and define categories. Categories are standard and custom performance measures. When scorecards are set up on the Manage Scorecards tab, categories are selected and defined.
- Achievement/Adjustments
- Use this tab to complete the monthly update for the targeted month and year before the monthly scorecard results are published. An administrator must enter all manual achievement values for the current month and make necessary adjustments.
- Parameters
- Use this tab to define and store scorecard-specific parameters. These settings do not increase a user's incentive opportunity, but the values that are entered allow a user to over-perform in one category to offset a shortage in another.