
Before the monthly Scorecard results are published, the monthly update must be completed for the targeted month and year. Use Setup > Manage Scorecards > Achievements/Adjustments to enter all Manual achievement values for the current month and make any necessary adjustments.


The Achievements area of this screen is where you enter the monthly achievement values for custom categories and standard categories that are set to Manual.

Achievements section on the Achievements/Adjustments tab.

Select the appropriate year, and then choose a level:

  • Institution - For each listed category, enter the year-to-date (YTD) achievement value for the current month. The financial institution may have numerous people tied to an institution-level category, but you only have to enter the numbers once to update everyone tied to that category.
  • Organization - The behavior of organization-level categories is similar to the institution-level categories. Unique organization and category records appear in their own rows in the grid. When the records update each month with YTD values, the values flow to all users assigned to the same organization and category for the specified year.
  • User - For user-level categories, enter the YTD achievement value for the current month.

If any of these grids contain numerous categories, you can use the Find tool to locate the search item and filter the list by the results.


If the results for a category must be adjusted up or down each month due to some unique circumstances, use this area to set up and maintain adjustments by level.

Adjustments section on the Achievements/Adjustments tab.

If you have defined adjustments set up, update the values on this screen each month.

Use a row's Reason link to display or edit an adjustment's reason text.

Reason link in the Adjustments section of the Achievements/Adjustments tab.