Standard Category Descriptions

The following table contains descriptions for standard categories for scorecards.

Scorecard Standard Category Descriptions by Financial Performance Suite (FPS) Source
Standard Categories Description FPS Source Database Fields Filters
# New Accounts This category is the count of year-to-date (YTD) new accounts based on open date. Customer Profitability & Pricing (CPP) Count (opened this year) Officer & Product
Deposit Portfolio This category is the Sum of the Deposit Balances + [(Sum of the Loan Balances * Annual Growth Rate) / 12] * (12 - Publish Date Month) = Achievement Value. CPP Deposit Balance Organization & Officer & Product
Deposits Interest Rate This category is the weighted-average deposit rate of a portfolio. CPP Interest Rate Organization & Officer & Product
Fees This category is the amount of fees for a set of accounts with the same officer ID or branch ID. CPP Fees Organization & Officer & Product
Institution Financial Performance This category is the annualized net income. Forecasting and Financial Reporting (FFR) Net Income Organization
Institution Return on Assets (ROA) This category is annualized net income/average assets. FFR Net Income/Average Assets None
Institution Returns on Equity (ROE) This category is annualized net income/equity. FFR Net Income/Average Equity None
Loan Interest Rate This category is the weighted-average loan rate of a portfolio. CPP Interest Rate Organization & Officer & Product
Loan Portfolio This category is the Sum of the Loan Balances + [(Sum of the Loan Balances * Annual Growth Rate) / 12] * (12 - Publish Date Month) = Achievement Value. CPP Loan Balance Organization & Officer & Product
New Deposits This category is the average balance of new deposit accounts originated during this period. CPP Average Balance (new this year) Organization & Officer & Product
New Loans This category is the average balance of new loan accounts originated during this period. CPP Average Balance (new this year) Organization & Officer & Product
NIM $ This category is the annualized net interest margin (NIM) based on all loans (Loan = Loan Rate - FTP Cost) and deposits (Deposit = FTP Credit - Interest Expense) expressed as a dollar amount. CPP Margin $ Organization & Officer & Product
NIM % This category is the NIM based on all loans (Loan = Loan Rate - FTP Cost) and deposits (Deposit = FTP Credit - Interest Expense) expressed as a weighted-average percentage rate. CPP Margin % Organization & Officer & Product
Organization Financial Performance This category is the annualized net income for a department. FFR Net Income Organization
Portfolio Profit This category is the annualized value of all accounts (loans, deposits, and services) tied to an officer ID. CPP Profit Officer & Product
Product Profitability This category is the annualized profitability of single or multiple products (Margin + Fees - Credit Cost - Expenses). CPP Profit Product
Service Revenue This category is the annualized amount of service fee revenue tied to an officer ID. CPP Profit Organization & Officer & Product
Weighted Risk Rating This category is the weighted-average risk rating for the loans in your portfolio. CPP Risk Rating Organization & Officer & Product
YTD Charge-offs This category is the dollar amount of charge-offs net of recoveries. N/A Manual None