When your institution is licensed for the Forecasting module, selecting this menu item gives you access to numerous different forecasting options based on your user permissions.
The available options are:
- Summary
- Use the Forecasting Summary page to enter high-level forecast assumptions, which automatically get distributed to detailed accounts. Use this approach for a quick and easy forecast that gets applied to all accounts.
- Detail
- Use the Forecasting Detail page for most forecasting options where you apply account-level forecast assumptions.
- Key Rates
- Use the Forecasting Key Rates page to enter rate forecasts for defined key rates.
- Supplemental Data
- Use the Forecasting Supplemental Data page to apply forecast assumptions to statistical data, off-balance sheet accounts, tax rates, and more.
- Consolidations
- Use the options on the Forecasting Consolidations page to either consolidate branch-level forecasts to the top organization or distribute top-level forecast data to the branches and centers.
- Advanced Quick Forecast
- Use the Advanced Quick Forecast page to apply a user-defined Quick Projection template to multiple branches and centers simultaneously.
- Liquidity Risk
- Use the tools on the Liquidity Risk page to measure your forecasted liquidity position, which is a vital part of determining the risk that resides in your balance sheet.
- My Responsibilities
- Use the My Responsibilities page to view the status of your assigned organizations, which can be Pending, In Progress, Submitted, or Approved. If you are set up as a reviewer of other people’s budgets, then you also see the status of their assigned organizations.
Tip: For an overview of the Financial
Performance Suite (FPS) Forecasting functionality, review the FPS
Forecasting and Financial Reporting Training Guide.