Project - Forecasting Techniques
You can create projected values in a few ways. You can enter values manually in projected time frames and use a combination of the following forecasting techniques to make the process faster.
The following forecasting techniques appear when you select the Project option from various Forecasting module tabs. Not all techniques are available on all screens or for all accounts.
- Grow by %
- This option projects an annualized growth on the percentage that you enter from the selected value and time frame in the grid.
- Growth % Over Last Year
- This option allows you to grow the balance at the rate that you specify while maintaining seasonal trends from the previous 12 months.
- Grow by Value
- This option uses the amount that you enter to increase or decrease all future periods.
- Add-On Value
- This option adds the amount that you enter to the existing value for all projected months.
- YTD Value
This option uses the entered amount as the projected fiscal year total.
The YTD historical amount subtracts from the amount entered in the Value column if part of the fiscal year includes historical months. The remaining amount, positive or negative, distributes evenly over the remaining months of the year.
This technique is only available for non-interest income/expense accounts.
- Add-On YTD Value
This option divides the amount entered by the remaining, editable time frames in the current fiscal year. It adds the calculated amount to the existing value in each of the current year's projected time frames. It does not affect monthly values in subsequent projected years.
This technique is only available for non-interest income/expense accounts.
- Growth % on YTD Value
- This option defines a growth percentage over the previous year's year-to-date amount, and then the calculated total distributes evenly over the remaining, projected months in the year. This technique is only available for non-interest income/expense accounts.
- Zero Out
This option resets targeted account values in all their projected time frames to zero.
It is available for any account when you set the Cash Flows to No, as well as for non-interest income/expense, offering rates, key rates, and supplemental data.
- Calculate Roll-Off
This option removes new volumes from the projected periods, causing the month-end balances to roll off according to the maturity schedule.
It is available for any account when you select the Cash Flow check box in the Chart of Accounts.
- Target Value
- This option allows you to specify a date to achieve a target amount. It applies a straight-line growth assumption to all time frames between the beginning and ending dates.
- Basic Quick Forecast
This technique allows you to use the Basic Quick Forecast Setup window to apply summary-level forecast assumptions and save them until the next time you choose to modify them.
For each account or rate type, do the following:
- Select the appropriate forecasting technique in the Project Action column.
- Enter the projected value where necessary.
- Use the corresponding date box in the Time Frame column to select the future time
frame in which the forecast assumption ends.
This final action is only necessary if you want to enter a second growth assumption in the Project Action column for a later range of projected time frames.
- Advanced Quick Forecast
An Advanced Quick Forecast is a template that allows you to enter and save forecast assumptions for all accounts and apply them each month as you upload new data to the model. You can save multiple templates to make the creation of what-if forecasting scenarios easier.
When you select this technique, you can choose an existing Advanced Quick Forecast from the drop-down list or the Setup option to open the Advanced Quick Forecast page.
- Apply Economic Scenarios Forecast
This option provides a forecast for several key rates and macroeconomic data (stored as supplemental data items) in different economic outlooks.
This feature requires a separate license option. Contact FPS support at for more information.