Setting Up Service Applications

Use Setup > Assumptions > Service Applications to create a list of the services the institution provides. The application allows several assumptions to be defined for each service, which makes it possible for services to be priced accurately.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Assumptions > Service Applications.
  2. Select Add. to add a row of blank fields to the page.

    If you want to set up assumptions for multiple services at the same time, you can select this option several times to add multiple blank rows.

    When service assumptions exist, new rows are added on the first page even if the list of services spans several pages.

  3. Give the service product a unique Name.
  4. Complete the fields.
    The institution's capital allocation represents the institution's highest possible equity in a particular deposit product. Capital is allocated to deposits based on each instrument's average balance. The capital allocation may vary based on products.
    The Expense/Product field represents expenses per product. Enter the institution's annual fixed cost for this type of service.
    This field is used to calculate a service's annual expense to the institution as a percent of the service product's revenue.
  5. Select Save.
After saving, the grid displays service assumption sets in alphabetical order.