Adding Loan Statuses

Use this information to increase the granularity of loan statuses.

The Loan Status functionality lets you create extra statuses to use throughout the application, which are still tied to the standard types of loans.
  1. Navigate to Setup > Assumptions > Loan Status.
  2. Select "" Add to insert a new row in the grid.
  3. Enter a name for the new Status.

    Adding a user-defined loan status.

  4. Select the standard Type of loan this status belongs to.
    • Booked/Active
    • Booked/Inactive
    • Pricing
    • Requires Review
    • Requires Approval
    • Lost
  5. Select the Available check box if this status must be available for use in pricing and on the Status & Interest Options tab of the loan input forms.
  6. Select Save.
    Statuses are listed in alphabetical order.

For example, you can create the following statuses and assign them all to the Requires Approval type:

  • Sent to Loan Committee
  • Sent to Senior Loan Committee
  • Sent to Regional Lender

These additional statuses provide additional tracking for loans through the approval process.

You can change the name of a Status or its Type at any time. You can clear the Available check box for any statuses that are no longer used.