Key Rates

Use Setup > Key Rates to store and maintain key rates that are used in the Profitability, Pricing, and Forecasting modules.

This page provides access to system-maintained yield curves, the prime rate (found in the Other category), and any custom categories and rates added by users.

Key Rates page.

Pricing Liquidity Premium

In the Yield Curve screens, a liquidity premium value for FTP Pricing calculations is available for terms above 1 month. This field is only used to calculate floating rate instruments. The calculation uses the expected life of the instrument and takes the rate entered in the Pricing Liquidity Premium field for the selected term, interpolates as needed, and adds it to the 1 Month rate.

Viewing Individual Points on a Yield Curve

You can expand a category list and view individual rates and additional setup options for each rate.

Viewing points on a yield curve.

System-Maintained Yield Curves

  • FHLB Yield Curve
  • LIBOR Swap Yield Curve
    Note: After June 30, 2023, LIBOR rates are no longer available. Starting July 1, 2023, any rate under the LIBOR curve becomes editable on the Update > Reconciliation Summary > Update Key Rates screen to edit historical time frames.
  • SOFR Swap Yield Curve
  • Treasury Yield Curve

Review the key rate sources information to see which funding curve rates are used in Financial Performance Suite (FPS).

For example, if the selected FHLB Yield Curve is Des Moines Fixed Rate Advances Under $15 MM, and you are looking at the 18 months term in FPS, the rate used by FPS is the 1.5 Year point on the Des Moines yield curve.

18 months term and current rate.

The rates for the points on the FHLB, SOFR Swap, Treasury yield curves, and Prime are automatically updated every business day. Custom rates can be manually updated or automatically uploaded, daily, by utilizing the FPS Key Rate API.