Setting Up Rank Tiers

Use Setup > Assign Ranks to set up tiers of relationship ranks.

You can add up to 10 ranks.
Assigning Ranks Page
Assigning Ranks Page

  1. Navigate to Setup > Assign Ranks.
  2. Select the Rank Value drop-down list and choose a profit measure.
    Rank Value

    Identifies the profit measure that your institution uses to determine the rank assigned to each relationship. You can only use one measurement at a time. The measurements are calculated on aggregated relationship values. The following options are available:

    • Gross Profit ($) - Monthly Net Interest Margin plus Revenue from Services plus fees minus Loan Loss Provision.
    • Contribution ($) - Monthly Gross Profit minus Direct Expenses.
    • Profit ($) - Monthly Contribution minus Overhead Expenses.
    • Value Added ($) - Monthly Historical Profit minus Cost of Capital.
    • ROA (%) - A ratio of Historical Profit to Interest Income.
    • ROE (%) - A ratio of Historical Profit to Capital.

    When ranks are established and you change the Rank Value from an amount measure ($) to a rate measure (%) or vice versa, you must set a new Up to Value for all existing ranks. Each rank's previously defined name and star icon are retained.

    Tip: Select Cancel to restore the former Rank Value with its associated rank limits.
  3. Select Add. to add a row to the grid.
    You do not need to add the ranks in ascending or descending order because the ranks dynamically adjust when settings are saved.
  4. Enter a unique Rank Name for the new rank that is descriptive of its position in the overall hierarchy of ranks.
    No special characters are allowed.
  5. For Up to Value, specify an appropriate maximum value for the current rank based on the Rank Value measurement in use.
  6. For Rank, select the number of stars that represents this rank.
    The application allows you to define as many as 10 ranks by selecting icons ranging from one-half star up to five stars.
  7. Repeat steps 3–6 to add additional ranks.
  8. Select Save.

If you must add additional ranks after saving, you can add new ranks until you reach the maximum of 10 ranks. For existing ranks, you can change the Rank Name, Up to Value, and Rank fields as needed.

Note: Historical records are not affected when ranks are modified or deleted. For example, if a rank was associated with certain relationships when processing occurred in the past, it continues to appear in the appropriate historical months even if it is later modified or deleted in the current month.