Calculations & Formulas Panel
The Calculations & Formulas panel on the Chart of Accounts page lets you define ratio codes, tax percentages, and risk information and create custom formulas.
The following fields are available:
- Balance Sheet/Income Statement Ratio Code
- This field includes certain ratio codes that you can include in the account in a ratio calculation.
- Risk Based %
- This field allows you to enter a risk-based percentage for use in ratio calculations.
- Federal Taxable
- This field defaults to 100, but you can change this value if the account is exempt from federal taxes.
- State Taxable
- This field defaults to 100, but you can change this value if the account is exempt from state taxes.
- FAS 91
- This field identifies if the Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) 91 calculations use this account. Switch this field to On to include in the account in the calculations.
- CECL Reserve Method
This field lets you select a CECL reserve method.
Select Calculated to select an Economic Scenario and a Model. You can also indicate a Loss Type and if there is a discount, apply Qualitative Factor Coefficients (Q Factors), and view Expected Loss %. Select the link in the Expected Loss % field to view and export expected loss data for the account.
Select Manual to enter an Expected Loss %.
- Tax Calc Method
This field is for banks only and lets you select a tax calculation method to use in the calculations.
Select Independently to calculate the account's federal and state tax effect independently with no consideration given to deductions.
Select Deduct Federal Before State to deduct the federal tax effect from the income statement account balance before calculating the state tax.
Select Deduct State Before Federal to deduct the state tax effect from the income statement account balance before calculating the federal tax.
- Formula
This field lets you select if you want to use a formula in the calculations.
Select Custom if a formula determines the value of the account. You can enter formulas manually or build them using the provided tools to specify and insert each component.
When Custom is selected, select Customize Formula. On the Customize Formula page, select a Type of Data or Formula. Then, you can select a Category/Function and build your formula. Select Results during and after you build the formula to view the results.
When Predefined is selected, you can select a predefined formula from the drop-down list that appears.