Working in the Forecasting Detail Page

Use this information to apply account-level forecast assumptions.

  1. Select Forecasting > Detail.
  2. Select the What If model, Organization, and Account to work with.

    Choosing the What If, Organization, and Account

    1. Select the What If model from the drop-down menu.
      For a fiscal year budget, it is necessary to create a new model.
    2. Select the Organization that the forecast applies to.
      Forecasts can be entered at the top organization or at the branch and center level. Forecasts applied at branches and centers ultimately must be consolidated to the top organization.
    3. Select the Account that you want to forecast.
      Select a high-level subtotal. Select "" Expand for detailed accounts to appear. Applying forecast assumptions at the subtotal level includes the accounts that add into the subtotal.
  3. Select the time frames to display while forecasting.

    Historical time frames (darker blue) can also be selected for reference data. Up to 120 months can be shown in the grid.

    Forecasting Time Frames

  4. Select the View drop-down menu and a data item layout to use as you enter projected values.

    Only those views that apply to the current account show in the list.


    This view shows Month End Balance, Average Balance, and New Volume for all asset and liability accounts, along with Interest Income, Yield, and Offering Rate for rate-bearing accounts.

    Forecasting Default view.

    Current Volume Cash Flows
    This view provides contractual and behavioral cash flow schedules for accounts with cash flows. It provides an editable Add'l Prepay % row that lets you make quick adjustments to an account's prepayment schedule. The account's Total Month End Balance, Yield, Contractual WAVG Life, and Forecasted WAVG Life appear.
    Current/New Volume
    Displays with the same data items as the Default view, along with breakouts of the projected data items by current volume and new volume.
    Instrument Detail

    Shows the instrument details associated with a detail-level account. In the Instrument Detail grid, you can filter the data, export the data, and add or remove columns that correspond to all the data fields that were brought into the Forecasting module. In this grid, you can use the Adjust Maturity Date setting to model instrument sales.

    Forecasting Views Instrument Detail.

    For example, if you must model something like selling off your mortgage portfolio, or muni bonds, during a certain projected month, decrease the maturity dates of the affected instruments to the necessary month. This adjustment models the instruments being removed from the balance sheet.

    Account Statistics
    Provides the projected number of new and closed accounts, and allows you to forecast Avg/Accounts, # New Accounts, and Avg/New Accounts.
    Growth Statistics
    Compares projected results to prior periods.
    Balancing Accounts
    Shows the projected balances for the two accounts set up as balancing accounts.
    Key Rate Tie
    Shows the projected rates feeding into the key rate tie formula for applicable accounts.
    Multiple Accounts

    This view allows a selection of one Data Item at a time, and then the view updates to show the projected value across multiple accounts.

    Forecasting Multiple Accounts view.

    Multiple Organizations

    This view allows a selection of one Data Item at a time, and then the view updates to show the projected value across multiple organizations.

    Forecasting Multiple Organizations view.

    Multiple Organizations & Accounts

    This view allows a selection of one Data Item and one time frame at a time, and then the view updates to show the projected value across multiple accounts and in multiple organizations.

    Forecasting Multiple Organizations and Accounts view.

    Compares one Data Item in the current What If model with the same data item in another What If model across time frames. The grid shows calculations of dollar and percentage difference values.
    Audit Trail

    This view provides a log of all forecast actions on the current account. When this view appears, you can also add explanatory comments. The audit trail log and any comments can be separately exported for the current account or for all accounts.

    Forecasting Audit Trail view.

    Manage Custom Views
    Allows custom views by saving user-defined groups of data items.
  5. Customize the speedbutton settings.

    Use this option to change how the data appears in the grid area.

    • Use the Flip Layout option to switch the layout of rows and columns so that the data in the grid appears either horizontally or vertically.
    • Select the Both option to display the projected data in both a grid and a graph. Use the Grid option to see only the projected values in a grid or the Graph option to show the values in a graph.
      Note: In the graph, a "" Graph option appears next to the name of the graphed data item. Select the name of another data item to see a different graph.
    • Turn on the Comments option if you must enter a narrative for the projected values. The comments appear at the bottom of the screen. Comments can also be exported as an Excel® file.
    Select this option to display forecasting techniques to help you quickly update your assumptions for each projected account. Only those options that are available for the current screen and account appear active.
    Use this option to run the balancing routine manually for the current organization or all organizations.
    This option can undo recent changes incrementally back to the point of the last time you saved the forecasting data.
    Data Entry
    Turn on this option to enter amounts, rates, and numbers quickly and manually without waiting for the grid to perform its normal calculations and refresh after every edit. When you turn off this option or perform various other actions, such as projecting, balancing, or saving, the modified grids perform the related calculations and refresh.

    Use the "" Settings option to leave the Forecasting Detail page in its current state without saving and go directly to the Chart of Accounts Setup page. In the Chart of Accounts Setup page, you can view an account's setup information and make setup changes. You can also view or edit other accounts on this page.

    To continue your work in Forecasting Detail, select Back.

  6. Select the value and time frame as a base value for forecasting in the grid.
    1. Within the selected grid, select the value and time frame that you want to use as a base value for the forecast.

      The base value is usually the current month-end balance. When you select the application's current month, a light blue highlight surrounds the cell.

      Forecasting from current month

      You may choose to enter values into a projected time frame manually and use that value and time frame as the starting point for that data item's forecast. Select the appropriate cell in the grid and manually enter a value.

    2. Select the Project option to apply distribution actions to the projected time frames.