Display Settings

Use Setup > Display Settings to define settings that affect how specific information appears elsewhere in the application.

Performance Criteria

The Performance Criteria setting allows you to specify the profit measure that is used to calculate relationship percentiles. The four options are:

  • Gross Profit - Monthly net interest margin plus revenue from services plus fees minus loan loss provision
  • Contribution - Monthly gross profit minus direct expenses
  • Profit - Monthly contribution minus overhead expenses
  • Value Added - Monthly historical profit minus cost of capital

The selected profit measure affects the relationship percentile values displayed on the following pages:

  • On the home page, in the Relationship Percentile table
  • On the Profitability > Relationships page, which appears when you select a specific percentile range bar from the Relationship Percentile table
  • On the Relationship View page
  • On the Profit Trend Detail page

The name of the selected profit measure appears under the home page's Relationship Percentile table.

Profit measure displayed under Relationship Percentile chart.

Display Funds Transfer Pricing

When you select this check box, the Funding Costs link is enabled for single-instrument income statements on the Relationship View > Income Statement page. The link is active for loan and deposit instruments that are associated with products that have a funds transfer pricing (FTP) method assigned. Selecting this link causes a Funding Cost Rate Details window to display additional information if data exists for the current instrument.

Funding Costs Hyperlink
Funding Costs hyperlink.

Funding Cost Rate Details
Funding Cost Rate Details window.

If your institution does not need the additional detail, you can clear the Display Funds Transfer Pricing check box. This action removes the Funding Costs link from single-instrument income statements. Even when the hyperlink is not visible, the rate displays in the income statement.

Tip: When you change a setting, Save and Cancel buttons appear on the Display Settings page.