Assigning Account Permissions for Distributed Forecasting

Use this information as an Administrator to decide what user roles and permissions are necessary to perform all the tasks associated with the distributed forecasting process.

To watch a training video that explains this process, enroll in the FPS Distributed Forecasting - Assigning Account Permissions training video course on Jack Henry University. You can also enroll in the Distributed Forecasting in Financial Performance Suite learning plan.

When setting up the application for distributed forecasting, you can set up specific account permissions for the branch manager, standard user role, and for custom and nonstandard user roles. The account permissions for the user roles can be applied to certain balance sheet, income statement, and supplemental data accounts for budget forecasting purposes. An administrator completes the following steps for a new user role or to modify an existing role.

Tip: For consistency and to make your on-going maintenance of users easier, you can create nonstandard user roles for groups of users who require the same sets of customized permissions. After they are added, you can associate active, nonstandard user roles with both new and existing users. If a role's permissions are changed, then the permissions for all the users assigned to that role update automatically.
  1. Navigate to Setup > Manage Users.
  2. Select User Roles.
    A user role is a predefined set of permissions to give users access to the information and parts of the application that are necessary for them to do their jobs.
  3. Find the Forecasting section and select Custom from the Summary & Detail and the Supplemental Data options.
  4. Select the Account Permissions link to modify account-level permissions.

    Distributed Forecasting Account Permissions.

  5. Define account-level access for the user role for each account category on the Account Permissions page.
    1. Select each of the following panels to assign permissions: Assets/Int Inc, Liab & Equity/Int Exp, Non-Int Inc/Exp, and Supplemental Data.

      Distributed Forecasting Account Permissions.

      The selections you make determine which accounts that users who are assigned to the current user role can forecast.

    2. Select "" Expand to expand the subtotal and view more detailed accounts.
    3. Select Edit, View, or None for the applicable subtotal or detail accounts.
  6. Select Save to assign the selected account permissions to the user role.
  7. Return to the User Roles Setup page and finish adjusting any other necessary permissions settings for the user role.
  8. Select Save to retain the new user role or to save the changes made to an existing user role.