Reviewing Forecasts from Other Users

Use this information to review forecasts from other users if you are designated as a reviewer.

To watch a training video that explains this process, enroll in the FPS Distributed Forecasting - Reviewing and Approving Forecasts training video course on Jack Henry University. You can also enroll in the Distributed Forecasting in Financial Performance Suite learning plan.
After a user submits a forecast for review, you receive an in-app and email notification that an organization is submitted if notifications are set up.
  1. Navigate to Forecasting > My Responsibilities.
  2. Verify that you are on the My Reviewees tab and select Submitted organizations.

    A list of the users that you can review appear in the list by status of Pending, In Progress, Submitted, or Approved.

    Reviewing submitted organizations on My Responsibilities.

  3. Select Review to open the Forecasting Detail page and review the submitted forecast.

    There is a View drop-down list indicating that you are reviewing the forecast as the submitted user.

    Reviewing forecasts as the submitted user.

    Note: You inherit the account permissions of the end user that you are reviewing. What you see in Forecasting is the same as the end user.

    Use the standard forecasting views, navigation, and techniques to review the forecast.

    You can also use the Reporting tab to review the submitted forecasts.

  4. Review the submitted forecast in the Forecasting Detail and Summary pages.
    You are allowed to edit the forecast, but the submitter cannot edit after it is submitted for review.