Working with Users
You can change a user's Organization Access and Officer Access. You can also deactivate or activate users.
- Navigate to .
- In the row for the user you want to modify, select the ellipses in the Action column.
Select a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
Situation Steps Assign organization access - Select Organization Access.
- Under Organizations, select the organizations the user is allowed to access.
- Select Save.
By default, no organizations are initially selected for a new user. The organization tree displayed matches the organizational hierarchy maintained on the
page.If you select a consolidated organization, the organizations under it are also selected. Conversely, if the organizations under a consolidated organization are selected, the consolidated organization is automatically selected as well.
Tip: If a user has access to a consolidated organization, and then one or more organizations are added under it, the user automatically inherits the right to access the new organizations.Assign officer access This optional setting can be used to provide senior officers with view-only access to their junior officers' portfolios.
Select Officer Access.
This action opens Officer Access, which contains a list of the users that the monthly update process identified as officers.
- Select the officers in the list whose information should be available, throughout the application, for the user currently being modified.
- Select Save.
You can choose the All option to select the entire list. This option can be used, for example, when setting the permissions for the institution's chief lending officer.
Tip: If a user has access to All and another officer is added, the user automatically inherits the right to access the new officer too.Deactivate or activating a user -
Select Deactivate User to deactivate an active user, or select Activate User to activate an inactive user.
A confirmation dialog box opens.
- Select Yes.