Creating the Review Structure

Use this information to create the review structure for end users, reviewers, and administrators for the distributed forecasting process.

To watch a training video that explains this process, enroll in the FPS Distributed Forecasting - Creating a Review Structure training video course on Jack Henry University. You can also enroll in the Distributed Forecasting in Financial Performance Suite learning plan.

If you are licensed for Distributed Forecasting, then there are several ways for end users, reviewers, and administrators to communicate regarding the status of the organizational forecasts that they are responsible for.

On Setup > What If Models, when adding a model, if you set Review Structure to Yes, then you must set up a review structure hierarchy. This hierarchy defines who users must submit their budgets to for approval. You can also set up multiple review chains for your financial institution if your review process requires it.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Review Structure.
  2. Select "" Add to begin the process of adding a review structure.
  3. Select the user who is the final reviewer and has the final review authority for this review chain.

    Users are grouped by user roles.

    Add Reviewer screen.

  4. Select OK.
    The new final reviewer appears in the hierarchy panel. You can repeat the final reviewer selection process if you are setting up multiple review chains.
  5. Select the check box next to a user for the next level of review.
    When you select the check box, the user appears in the hierarchy panel as a reviewee under the reviewer that you currently have selected.
    Hierarchy panel on the left side of the screen.

  6. Continue to add users to the review chain to build the review structure.
    Each user can only be added to one place in one review chain to prevent circular referencing problems.
  7. Resolve any issues in the review hierarchy.
    The Information. icon indicates that there is an issue at the indicated level of the review hierarchy. Hover over the icon to see a helpful tip.
  8. Select Save.