Working with Basic Decay Tables

Use this information to edit, delete, and export basic decay tables and scenarios.

Any setup change to a table affects all accounts that are linked to the table. If you delete a table, then the Decay Rates setting for any affected accounts in the Chart of Accounts is changed from Decay Tables to None.
  1. Navigate to Setup > Decay Tables > Basic Tables.
  2. Select a What If scenario.
  3. Select a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    Edit a Table
    1. Change the Table Name of the table.
    2. Select or clear Scenarios to determine which rate shocks the table uses.
    3. Update rate shocks as needed.
    4. Select Save.
    Delete a Table or Scenario
    1. Select or clear Scenarios to remove shock rates for a table.
    2. Select "" Delete for the decay table that you want to remove.
    3. Select Delete to confirm the deletion.

    If you try to delete a table that is referenced in the Chart of Accounts, then the application informs you but allows you to continue.

    You cannot delete the Flat Rate scenario column.

    Export Table Setup Information
    1. Select Export.
    2. Select the type of file that you want to export:
      • CSV
      • Excel

    When you select one of these options, the system sends you a notification, and the exported file appears in the Reporting > View Reports grid.