Adding a Basic Decay Table and Scenarios

Use this information to add basic decay tables and scenarios so that you can assign them to non-maturity deposit accounts.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Decay Tables > Basic Tables.
  2. Select the What If model that the table belongs to.
  3. Select "" Add.
  4. Add a unique Table Name for the table.
  5. Select Scenarios to associate with the table if there are existing scenarios available.
  6. Select the prepayment Method.
    • Annual
    • Monthly
    • % of Total Balance
  7. Select Manage Scenarios.
    The Manage Scenarios page opens.
  8. Select "" Add to add a rate shock scenario.
  9. Enter a whole number value from -1000 through 1000.
  10. Repeat steps 8–9 to define all necessary rate shock scenarios.

    You can create up to 22 unique scenarios.

    Scenarios appear as columns in the grid. If several tables previously existed in the grid, then adding a scenario makes it available for each table. If needed, you can edit individual tables to control the scenarios that they use.

  11. Select Apply.
  12. Enter rate speeds for the table in the appropriate rate shock cells.
    It is important to verify that the values are appropriate for the decay method the table is using. You can only use values from 0 through 100 percent.
  13. Select Save.
After a basic decay table is set up, you can assign it individually to specific non-maturity deposit accounts on the Setup > Chart of Accounts > Risk panel.