Report Writer - Format Menu
The Format menu in the Report Writer contains options that let you format the cells, rows, and columns in your reports.
- Cell
- This option opens the Format Cells screen, which allows you to adjust how a cell or range of cells looks in the report. You can define the characteristics of the cells on six tabs, including Value, Alignment, Font, Border, Color, and Merged Cell.
- Rows
This option includes these additional options:
- Height and Auto Size
Height control the height of rows.
When using Auto Size Height, the row that you select determines the height of rows when you select the option. This option affects the height of all rows in the report. It affects rows that are hidden, rows that are beyond the edges of the screen, and rows that are set up to repeat on each subsequent page.
- Hide and Unhide control row visibility.
- Repeated Rows controls whether one or more rows repeat on each page when printing the report.
- Alternate Shading controls the shading of every other row and lets you select a shade color.
- Height and Auto Size
Height control the height of rows.
- Columns
This option includes these additional options:
- Width and Auto Size
Width control the width of the columns.
When using Auto Size Width, the column that you select determines the width of columns when you select the option. This option affects the width of all columns in the report. It affects columns that are hidden, columns that are beyond the edges of the screen, and columns that are set up to repeat on each subsequent page.
- Hide and Unhide control column visibility.
- Repeated Columns controls whether one or more columns repeat on each page when printing the report.
- Alternate Shading controls the shading of every other column and lets you select a shade color.
- Width and Auto Size
Width control the width of the columns.
- Model Data Defaults
This option opens the Default Value Format dialog box. Use this tool to set the default formats for Number, Currency, Rate, and Date values that filter directly from the Financial Performance Suite data. These formats save with the report that you set them on. You can override these settings at the cell level. To go back to the default format for a cell, use the Format Cells dialog box to set the cell's to General.
Remember, numbers that you enter directly into the Report Writer grid do not use default value formats. The results of calculations do not use the default formats even if you add amounts from the model. You can format cells containing data that is not pulled directly from the model by navigating to . You can also use the $ (Currency), % (Rate), or # (Number) toolbar options to format cells.
- Conditional Formats
- This option lets you change the background and font characteristics of a cell based on one or more if-statements.