Pricing Construction to Permanent Loans

You can link two loans to evaluate the profitability of a temporary to a permanent structure.

An example of this type of structure is the relationship of a construction loan to a permanent loan.
  1. Navigate to Setup > Assumptions > Loan Applications > Products.
  2. Locate the named construction loan to link to a particular permanent product type.
  3. Select the Add Permanent check box.
  4. Select a Prod Type for Perm option from the drop-down list.

    Products page Add Permanent and Prod Type for Perm options.

    Note: Review the assumptions that are set up for the product type that is selected for the permanent loan. For example, you can select the Months to Start option for the permanent loan.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Navigate to the Pricing Opportunity instrument list via one of the following methods.
    • Navigate to either the home page or the Profitability module, select a relationship, and then select the Pricing Opportunity link.
    • Select the Pricing Opportunity link in a search result.
  7. Select "" Add.
    The Pricing Opportunity details page opens for you to begin setting up the new loan.
  8. Select the type of construction loan that you previously modified on the Products page in the Type drop-down list.
  9. Select the Add Permanent check box that appears after you select the Type.
    The Permanent Type field appears prefilled with the product type that you specified on the Products page.
  10. Continue filling out the necessary fields for the loan, and then select Save.
  11. Select Add Permanent that appears at the top of the page.
    The loan form switches to show the fields that are appropriate for the permanent loan type. The application fills in information from the previously saved loan.
  12. Enter the Instrument Name, and complete the remaining loan fields.
    For example, as a forward start loan, you can price the permanent portion of a construction-to-permanent loan using the Months to Start and Lock Rate fields in the Interest Options panel.
  13. Select Save to save changes for the permanent loan.

You can select Report to generate summary or detail reports for the new pair of loans. When you request either report, then two reports are created. One report is created for each loan.

Pricing Opportunity loan report notifications.

In the Pricing Opportunity instrument list, the new loans are paired and show "" links as a visual cue to their interrelated condition.