Generating Scenarios Automatically

You can generate scenarios automatically on the Pricing Opportunity page.

Before you begin this task, you must enter and save the preliminary settings for a new loan on the Pricing Opportunity details page.
  1. Select Pricing > Pricing.
  2. Expand a loan on the Loans page to see the loan details.
  3. Select View Pricing Opportunity.
    The Pricing Opportunity page opens.
  4. Select Generate Scenarios.
    Selecting this option creates a set of scenarios based on the loan pricing structure. A notification lets you know when the process is complete.
  5. Select Scenarios to compare scenarios.

    Automatically generated scenarios.

A default scenario is at the top of the list. This scenario is built on the loan settings as they currently exist.

A "" Status option and the absence of a "" Delete option indicates which scenario is active. You can only have one active scenario.

You can rename any scenario.

You can generate up to 10 automatic scenarios depending on the Rate Type. All the scenarios are generated using the default scenario's Projected ROE value as their loan Target ROE.