Working with Accounts

You can search for, copy, and move accounts. You can also copy an account's settings.

Only one user at a time is allowed to work in the Chart of Accounts. Any subsequent users accessing this setup page are granted view privileges.
  1. Navigate to Setup > Chart of Accounts.
  2. Select a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    Find accounts
    1. Use the search filter to locate specific accounts.
      • When you begin typing in the field, the application searches for matching character combinations and lists suggested accounts, if any are found.
    2. Select a suggested account to be taken to the account location in the list.

    This tool only searches the accounts that belong to the selected Account Type.

    Copy accounts
    1. Select the account that you want to copy from the list.
    2. Select Copy icon. to duplicate the account and place a new account directly underneath the active account.

    Copying accounts is useful when a new account requires the same setup as an existing account. The new account has all the same settings as the copied account except for the account name.

    Copy account settings
    1. Select the account that you want to copy the settings for from the list.
    2. Select Copy Setting to open the Copy Settings page.
    3. Select the accounts to copy these settings to.
    4. Select Apply.

    This tool lets you copy the active account's settings to the specified accounts. To perform this action, you must choose at least one account.

    Move an account
    1. Select the account that you want to move from the list.
    2. Use Move icon. to reposition the account within the list of detail and subtotal accounts that exist at the same level.
  3. Select Save.