Consolidating Forecasts

You can consolidate projections to the top organization (bottom-up) or to the branches and centers (top-down).

Perform consolidation actions on the Forecasting Consolidations page.
  1. Select Forecasting > Consolidations.
  2. Select a tab to work with.

    Consolidating Forecasts Situation Options

    Sums the projected values at selected branches and centers to the consolidated organizations.
    Distribute Down
    When completing a projection at a consolidated organization, this action first calculates the differences between the account balances in the selected consolidated organization and the sum of the balances of its child organizations. Then, the differences distribute to the child organizations.
    Copy Offering Rates
    Copies projected offering rates from one selected organization to multiple organizations.
  3. Select a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    Performing a Bottom-Up Consolidation
    1. Select Consolidate.
    2. Select the model that you want to work with.
    3. Select the branches and centers to consolidate.
    4. Select Start.
    Performing a Top-Down Distribution
    1. Select Distribute Down.
    2. Select the model that you want to work with.
    3. Select an ending month for the distribution.

      The distribution applies to all projected months up through the selected time frame.

    4. Select any consolidating organization to distribute down.

      If you select a middle-level consolidated organization, the distribution action only affects its child organizations. Run the Distribute Down action separately for each mid-level organization.

      If you select the top organization, the numbers distribute to the lowest level branches, which you can consolidate back up to any mid-level organizations.

    5. Select View Differences for additional options.

      The numbers in the grid's months columns are the differences between the source organization and the sum of its child organizations. The difference is the method chosen in Step H.

    6. Activate Suppress Zeroes to hide accounts with no values in any time frame.
    7. Select the type of accounts to distribute.
    8. Select the Method to distribute the projected balances for each account.

      Distribution actions set up on subtotals apply to the detailed accounts that add into those subtotals.

      Performs no distribution action for that account.
      Pro-Rata Selected
      Projected balances proportionately distribute to selected branches and centers. Choose the Select link in the Organizations column to choose specific organizations.
      Pro-Rata All
      Projected balances proportionately distribute to all branches and centers.
      Evenly Distribute Selected
      Projected balances evenly distribute to selected branches and centers. Choose the Select link in the Organizations column to choose specific organizations.
      Evenly Distribute All
      Projected balances evenly distribute to all branches and centers.
      Rate Copy
      When you select the Offering Rates tab, this option copies the offering rate from the source organization to all the children organizations.
      Rate Fill
      When you select the Offering Rates tab, this option copies the source organization offering rates to the children organizations that are missing offering rates (are 0.000%).
    9. Select Start to run the distribution.
    Copying Offering Rates
    1. Select Copy Offering Rates.
    2. Select the model that you want to work with.
    3. Select the organization to copy offering rates from.
    4. Select the organizations to copy the offering rates to.
    5. Select Start to run the distribution.