Working with Filters

With filters and saved views, you have control over how data appears in the grids.

Navigate to the Profitability or Pricing menu options to begin.
Follow these steps to filter the data in a grid and save the filtered data as a reusable view.
  1. Ensure that All Relationships appears in the My Saved Views box.
    This default view shows all the unfiltered data in the grid.
  2. Select "" Filter.
  3. In the Select Column drop-down list, specify the column you want to filter.

    Select Column box in filters.

  4. Choose one of the Select Filters options.
    Filtering choices can vary depending on the column selected. For example, when the column data is amounts or rates, the filter options are: Equals, Does not Equal, Greater than or Equal, Less than Equal.
  5. Specify an appropriate value for the column being filtered in the Enter Value box.

    Possible values include alpha/numeric strings, amounts, rates, dates, or ranking stars.

    Enter value box.

  6. Select Apply to filter the grid by your defined criteria.
    When this step is completed, the grid is sorted appropriately and a Filters Notice appears above the grid, showing the filter that is in use.
  7. Choose a situation and follow the corresponding step.
    When defining subsequent filters, specify which operator must be applied.
    • To perform complex filtering using And/Or, select "" Filter.
    • To remove a filter, select "" Delete.
    • To modify an existing filter, select any Filter Link to open the Filters dialog box with the parameters displayed.
  8. With the grid in its filtered state, select "" Save to open the Save View Filter As dialog box where a name can be assigned to the current filter view.
  9. Select "" Save to close the box and return to the grid.
The name of the new filtered view appears in the My Saved Views box.
Filtered view appears in My Saved Views box.

You can select "" Save again to change the name of the current saved view. Select "" Delete to remove the currently shown saved view.