
There are many different grids in the application. Most grids provide sorting, filtering, viewing, exporting, searching, and data selection functionality. Some grids provide options that let you summarize the data by criteria such as officer, status, type, or organization.

Sorting with Column Headings

Select a column header to sort the entire grid by the values in the selected column in either ascending or descending order. Each new sort is unique and replaces the previous sort.

Using Filters

The Filters option gives you complete control over how data appears in the grids. Complex filtering using AND/OR is also supported.

Working with Saved Views

When you navigate to a grid screen that lets you choose saved views, the default All Relationships view shows all available data. No sorting, filtering, or search parameters are applied to this view. You can retain defined filters as saved views, which make it easy to return to a favorite data configuration by selecting the appropriate view from the My Saved Views drop-down list.

Exporting Data

When the Export option appears above a grid, you can use it to send all data in the grid to either a .csv or an Excel® file. When the data is exported to a .csv file, the file only contains the data from the grid. No header information, footer information, or special formatting is included.

Exported Data in a .csv file.

When an Excel® file is created, headers, footers, and formatting are included.

Exported Data in an Excel file.

The exported data retains any sorting, filtering, or summarizing by settings that were applied to the grid. All data across all the pages of the grid are gathered into the export file.


You can use "" Search to explore the Profitability and Pricing modules globally. You can navigate to relevant relationships, customers, pricing opportunities, and system users.

Note: As a user-centric tool, Search is not designed to find every instance of a number or character string in a grid.

You can begin a search from any page of the application. Enter at least three characters in the Search field, and then select Go. Resulting matches, each showing a name and type of data, are provided as links on the Search Results page.

Selecting Dates

The data in most Profitability grids defaults to the current month in the application. Select the "" calendar to choose a specific month. You can also use the Custom option to show cumulative data values in the grid for a range of months.