Using Comments

Use the Comments option to document your forecast, enter narrative, share comments with others, and export comments.

To watch a training video that explains this process, enroll in the FPS Distributed Forecasting - Using Comments When Forecasting training video course on Jack Henry University. You can also enroll in the Distributed Forecasting in Financial Performance Suite learning plan.
  1. Navigate to Forecasting > Detail.
  2. Select a situation for comments and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    Turn On Comments
    1. Select Layout.
    2. Verify that the Comments option is on.

      When the Comments are on, the toggle is green. If it is gray, then select the toggle to activate Comments.

      Comments appear in the Comments section of the page.

    Add Comments
    You, any of your reviewers, and other users who have permissions to your organizations and accounts can view any comments that are added.
    1. Select "" Add to add a comment to the selected account.

      An Add Comment window appears.

    2. Enter your comment.
    3. Select "" Flag as a visual indicator for comments or review reminder.

      Flagging a comment puts a visual indicator next to the affected account in the account list. This feature lets you see at a glance which accounts have comments attached. It can act as a reminder to review an account's forecast later.

      You can also select "" Flag in the Comments section after you save the comment to flag it.

    4. Select OK to save the comment.

      The comment appears in the Comments section of the page.

    Note: The application automatically logs all manual forecasts or Project option actions that you enter. The Audit Trail view lets you examine and export the log.
    Edit Comments

    The Edit option appears in the Comments section with each comment listed.

    1. Select "" Edit to modify a comment.
    2. Modify the comment as needed.
    3. Select OK to save changes to the comment.
    Delete Comments

    The Delete option appears in the Comments section with each comment listed.

    1. Select "" Delete to remove a comment.
    2. Select Yes to confirm that you want to delete the comment.
    Export Comments

    You can export comments to Excel® to review them outside of the application.

    1. Select "" Export in the Comments section to open the Export window.
    2. Select This Account or All Accounts to determine which comments to export.
    3. Use the Beginning and Ending options to determine an add or edit time frame range.
    4. Select Export.

      The export grid generates and downloads a file, and the application sends an in-app notification when the export starts and finishes.