Approving or Rejecting Submitted Forecasts

Use this information to approve or reject a submitted forecast based on your review.

To watch a training video that explains this process, enroll in the FPS Distributed Forecasting - Reviewing and Approving Forecasts training video course on Jack Henry University. You can also enroll in the Distributed Forecasting in Financial Performance Suite learning plan.
There are two ways to approve or reject the forecast based on your preference.
  1. Select Forecasting.
  2. Select a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    My Responsibilities Page
    1. Select Forecasting > My Responsibilities.
    2. Verify that you are on the My Reviewees tab.
    3. Select Submitted.
    Detail Page
    1. Select Forecasting > Detail.
    2. Verify that you are viewing the drop-down list indicating that you are reviewing the forecast as the submitted user.
    Summary Page
    1. Select Forecasting > Summary.
    2. Verify that you are viewing the drop-down list indicating that you are reviewing the forecast as the submitted user.
  3. Select Approve or Reject.

    If approved, the forecast approves for the submitter. The forecast is added to the reviewer's list of forecasts that must be submitted up their review chain.

    If rejected, the forecast is pushed back down to the original submitter for revision, and it becomes editable again for the submitter.