Creating Scenarios Manually

You can create scenarios manually on the Pricing Opportunity page.

Before you begin this task, you must enter and save the preliminary settings for a new loan on the Pricing Opportunity details page.
  1. Select Pricing > Pricing.
  2. Expand a loan on the Loans page to see the loan details.
  3. Select View Pricing Opportunity.
    The Pricing Opportunity page opens.
  4. Select Scenarios.
    A default scenario initially shows. This scenario is built on the loan settings as they currently exist.
  5. Select "" Add.
    A new row appears at the end of the grid, and the Save and Cancel buttons become active.
    Manually adding a new scenario.

  6. Enter a Name for the new scenario that describes how it differs from other scenarios.
    Before you select the name of the scenario and update the loan settings, the information that appears for the new scenario matches the information for the scenario listed above it.
  7. Repeat this process to create as many scenarios as needed.
  8. Select Save.