Working with Mortgage Categories

You can copy and rename mortgage categories. You can export the mortgage setup information for either the Active Tables or All Tables for a specific What If scenario to a CSV or a Microsoft® Excel® file. You can also delete a category, coupon/age pair, or scenario.

Use the category list to select a category to review or modify. Only one category can appear in the table at a time.

Any setup change to a category affects all accounts that are linked to it. If you delete a category, then the Prepayments setting for any affected accounts on the Chart of Accounts page is changed from Prepay Tables to None.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Prepay Tables > Mortgage Tables.
  2. Select a What If scenario.
  3. Select a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    Copy a Category
    1. Select the category that you want to copy from the category list.
    2. Select Copy..
    3. Enter a unique Table Name for the new category.
    4. Select Save.

    The new category becomes the active category. You can modify the new category as needed.

    You can copy any category, including vendor-supplied categories.

    Rename a Category
    1. Select the category that you want to rename from the category list.
    2. Change the Table Name of the category.
    3. Select Save.

    You cannot rename vendor-supplied categories.

    Delete a Category, Coupon/Age Pair, or Scenario
    1. Select the category that you want to delete from the category list.
    2. Select Delete. for the category, coupon/age pair, or scenario that you want to delete.
    3. Select Delete on the confirmation dialog box.

    If you access Delete. from a vendor-supplied category, then you can only delete a category.

    You can only delete one item at a time. The system enforces the following restrictions:

    • You cannot delete anything related to vendor-supplied categories.
    • You cannot delete the Flat Rate scenario.
    • Deleting coupon/age pairs only affects the category currently being modified.
    • If you try to delete a category that is assigned to an account on the Chart of Accounts page, then the application informs you but allows you to continue.
    Export Setup Information
    1. Select Export.
    2. Select what you want to export:
      • Active Table
      • All Tables
    3. Select the type of file that you want to export:
      • CSV
      • Excel
    4. Select Export.

    When you select one of these options, the system sends you a notification, and the exported file appears in the Reporting > View Reports grid.