Creating a Forecast at a Summary Level

Use this information to enter high-level forecast assumptions at the summary level.

  1. Select Forecasting > Summary from the menu.
  2. Choose the What If model that this forecast applies to.
    For fiscal year budgets, it is necessary to create a new model.
  3. Select an Organization to project.
    You can enter forecasts at the top organization, mid-level consolidating organizations, or at the branches and centers level. If you want to forecast branches and centers, they must be consolidated.
  4. Select a Summary Data tab to work on.
    Forecast assumptions for high-level subtotals filter down to the accounts making up the subtotal. The Ratios tab is for reference purposes only.
    Forecasting Summary Data Tabs

    1. Select Balance Sheet to display the month-end or average balances.
      Forecasting Summary Month-End or Average Balances

    2. Select Income Statement to display month-to-date or year-to-date data.
      Forecasting Summary MTD or YTD

    3. Select Yields to display the selected summary data yields.
  5. Select the time frames for the forecast.
    Select historical time frames for reference.
  6. Select Default or Comparison to display the View setting.
    Select Comparison to see how the current model's results compare to results in another What If model.
  7. Choose your Layout.
    This selection controls how data appears in the grid area.
    • Use the Flip Layout option to switch the layout of rows and columns so that the data in the grid appears either horizontally or vertically.
    • Select Both to display the projected data in both a grid and a graph.
    • Select Grid to see only the projected values in a grid or select Graph to display the values in a graph.
      Note: When a graph appears, a Graph icon appears next to the name of the data item. Select the name of another data item to see a different graph.
  8. Select Project to display two forecasting techniques.
    • The options are Basic Quick Forecast and Advanced Quick Forecast.

      Forecasting techniques can only apply to the first three Summary Data tabs. The Ratios tab displays the effect of your projected assumptions on key ratios.

  9. Use the Balance option to run the balancing routine manually for the current organization or all organizations.
    This option is available for all tabs except the Ratios tab.