Merging Relationships

You can merge two or more user-defined relationships into a single relationship on the Manage Relationships page.

After you merge user-defined relationships into a single relationship, then the single relationship shares all the assigned customers.
  1. Navigate to the Manage Relationships page via one of the following methods.
    • Select Profitability > Manage Relationships.
    • Select Pricing > Pricing > Manage Relationships.
  2. Identify the relationships to merge and select each "" check box in the Relationship list.

    A combined list of relationship names and customers appears. Customer names can appear multiple times in the Customers list if they are assigned to all the selected relationships to merge.

    Relationship and Customer lists to merge.

  3. Select Merge.

    The Merge Relationships dialog box opens.

    Merge Relationships dialog box.

  4. Select a name from the Relationship Name drop-down list.

    The selected name becomes the name of the single relationship after the merge is complete.

    Tip: You can edit the name of the merged relationship after the merge is complete.
  5. Select Save to perform the merge.
When the merge is complete, the final merged name remains in the Relationship list. The names of the other relationships involved in the merge process are removed from the list. Duplicated customer names are removed from the merged Customers list.