Viewing Funds Transfer Pricing Allocation Results

You can view pre-allocated or post-allocated funds transfer pricing (FTP) results on the Funds Transfer Pricing page.

The Funds Transfer Pricing grid that shows allocation results refreshes immediately as you select options for how to view allocation results.

Funds Transfer Pricing allocation results.

  1. Navigate to the Profitability > Organization > Funds Transfer Pricing page.
    Your institution must be licensed for Organization Profitability.
  2. Select to show Assets or Liabilities from the Accounts drop-down list.
  3. Select one or more Time Frames.
  4. Select Filters to narrow the results.
    1. Select Add or Or to define the filter condition.
    2. Select a column from the Select Column drop-down list.
    3. Select a filter from the Select Filter drop-down list.
    4. Enter a value in the Enter Value field.
    5. Select "" Add to add another filter.
    6. Repeat this process to add all the necessary filters.
    7. Select Apply.
  5. Select Columns to show or hide columns in the grid.
    You can rearrange the column order using the "" Move option.
  6. Select an Account # link to open the FTP Cash Flow page for the selected account.

    You can view instrument details such as balance and payment information, important dates, and account details. A grid shows a breakdown of time frames and payment information. You can export the information on this page.

    FTP Cash Flow.

  7. Select Close to return to the Funds Transfer Pricing page after reviewing the cash flow details.
You can export the allocation results to Microsoft® Excel® or to a .csv file.