Viewing Reports

You can view and download reports on the View Reports page.

  1. Select Reporting > View Reports.
    A similar list is also available from the My Recent Reports area of the home page.
    Tip: Some pricing reports are also listed on this tab even though they are not defined and generated on the Create Reports page.

    View Reports page.

    Reports on this page include icons that indicate their status. There are several statuses:

    • "" Ready - The report is available to view.
    • "" In Progress - The report is being generated.
    • "" Queued - The report is waiting to be generated.
    • "" Attention - The report was not generated due to an error.
    A list of recently generated reports appears. The newest report appears first in the list.
  2. Select a report name to download it.
    Depending on your browser and its settings, an open or save message can appear that you must respond to.
    The data contained in the report corresponds to the date and time that the report was created, which is shown in the Date column.
Select "" Delete to remove a report from the list. Reports shown on the View Reports tab automatically expire and are removed from the list after seven days. You can save your reports to external storage areas to keep the data longer. Also, saved favorite layouts do not expire.