Earnings at Risk Reports
Use this information to view the various Earnings at Risk reports.
There are four standard Asset Liability Management (ALM) Earnings at Risk reports. You can generate Earnings at Risk reports by navigating to
.- Earnings at Risk - Documentation - Use this report to understand how the calculations involved in each scenario impact individual accounts. This report is available for all scenarios, but only one scenario can be selected at a time.
- Earnings at Risk - Income Statement - Use this report to view the account-level impact of multiple Earnings at Risk scenarios on the income statement to understand your risk better.
- Earnings at Risk - Monthly - Use this report to view the information in the Results tab after the calculation is performed. You can select multiple months to view trends over time.
- Earnings at Risk - Summary - Use this report to view the information that is presented on the Results tab after the calculation is performed.
Note: The summary and income
statement reports are best viewed in the same forecast month used to calculate
Earnings at Risk. The monthly and documentation reports are best viewed
when 12–24 months of forecast time are included.