Working with Category Q Factors

Use this information to adjust Qualitative Factor Coefficients (Q Factors) that have an Adjustment Level of Category.

When you select a Q Factor Adjustment in the list with an Adjustment Level of Category, you are provided an overview of current category values with a Total row. Depending on the selected Q Factor Adjustment, an adjustment for each of its child categories could not be needed.

Q Factor Category Adjustment settings.

  1. Select the Q Factor Adjustments link via CECL > Analysis.
    You must have the necessary permission to edit or view Q Factor Adjustments.
  2. Select a Q Factor Adjustment in the list and expand it.
  3. Select a category to view related settings.
  4. Choose one field to enter a value in for expected loss adjustments.
    • Enter a value for Expected Loss Adjustment %.
    • Enter a value for Expected Loss Adjustment Amount.
    The other value is calculated from your input. The percentage is adjusted for all the accounts that belong to the current category.
  5. Enter a reason in the Adjustment Reason field for reference purposes.
    This field is optional.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Repeat the process for other Q Factor Adjustments and category combinations as needed.