Requesting CECL Loan or Investment Level Documentation

Use this information to request Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) Loan Level Documentation or Investment Level Documentation reports at the instrument level.

The Status of the current month in CECL must be Complete before you can request Loan Level Documentation or Investment Level Documentation reports from Deep Future Analytics (DFA).

CECL Validation Status column.

Note: The reports are not available for historical months.
Users with the CECL Analysis license can request Loan Level Documentation or Investment Level Documentation reports (also known as Blue Sheets or Audit Reports) at the instrument level. Each resulting Excel® report details the calculations for the current month for a selected account, model type, and economic scenario. This information helps clarify how the expected loss is determined for a loan or investment record.
  1. Navigate to CECL > Analysis.
  2. Select Loan Level Documentation from the Loans view or Investment Level Documentation from the HTM Investments view.
    The default view is Loans. The link is only visible if the current month is in a completed state with Analysis results returned from DFA. When there are DFA results, then you can select the link from all Analysis pages including the CECL Summary, CECL Categories, and CECL Details pages.
    The Loan Level Documentation or Investment Level Documentation dialog box opens. The Time Frame is restricted to the current month and cannot be changed.
  3. Enter an account number in the Account # field to run reports on.
  4. Select "" Add to move the account number to the grid.

    Loan Level Documentation dialog box.

    You can only add loan accounts on the Loan Level Documentation dialog box and investment accounts on the Investment Level Documentation dialog box. The two types of requests cannot be submitted together.

    You can add the same account number multiple times, which allows you to examine it in different models or economic scenarios. One batch request can contain up to eight rows of unique combinations of Account #, Model, and Economic Scenario selections.

    Tip: You can complete this process from the CECL Details page where account numbers are visible.
  5. Select a Model and an Economic Scenario for each account number in the grid.
  6. Select Request.

    After the request is sent to DFA, it takes a few minutes to return the reports.

    If you want to obtain more than eight results, then select the link again and repeat this process.

You receive notifications when the reports are returned from DFA. On the View Reports page, you can see one report for each requested scenario.

View Reports page with Loan Level Documentation.

Note: Some models need 12 months of history before DFA can return a report.