Account Number |
An identifier used to determine an account. |
Must be unique for each row in the file. |
Adjustment Frequency |
The frequency at which the interest rate can be adjusted on the account. |
There may be two fields listed: one to identify the time value and one to define
the time measurement (days or months). Provide a list of codes that your institution
uses. |
Analysis ID |
Indicates if an account uses the account analysis feature. |
Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Average Balance |
The average balance for the month. |
If not available, this value can be calculated using the aggregate
balance and number of days. If neither are available, the ending balance is
used. |
Branch Number |
Used to identify the specific branch or revenue center that owns this
account. |
Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Closed Date |
The date that the account was closed. |
N/A |
Collected Balance |
The balance before float. |
N/A |
Current Index |
Identifies the index that an account is tied to. |
Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Customer ID |
A unique value that identifies the customer. |
Same identifier as provided in the customer file. |
Ending Balance |
Actual balance at the end of the month when the file is generated. |
N/A |
Funding Curve Date |
The date used to determine the yield curve to use for Funds Transfer
Pricing. |
Only required for time deposits. Typically, this date is derived from the Last
Repricing Date, Renewal Date, or Origination Date—whichever is most recent. |
Interest Expense |
Amount of interest expense for the month. |
N/A |
Interest Rate |
The actual interest rate on a given deposit account. |
N/A |
Last Repricing Date |
The last date on which the deposit had the interest rate adjusted. |
N/A |
Maturity Date |
The date of the final maturity. |
Only required for time deposits. |
Next Repricing Date |
The next date at which the account can have the interest rate adjusted. |
N/A |
Officer ID |
Identifies the employee who manages or is responsible for the account. |
N/A |
Original Balance |
The amount deposited at the time of origination. |
N/A |
Original Interest Rate |
The initial rate when the account was opened. |
N/A |
Origination Date |
The date that the account was opened. |
N/A |
Product ID |
Identifies the type of deposit product for the account being downloaded (e.g.,
MMA = Money Market Account). |
Sometimes more than one code must be included to distinguish one
product from another. Include all codes that may be necessary and provide a list of
codes that your institution uses. |
Rate Type |
An identifier used to determine if the account is fixed or variable. |
Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Rate Variance |
A rate that identifies the amount of "spread" above or below a rate index that is
used to determine the interest rate on the account. |
You may also need to provide a separate field that indicates if the value is
positive (+) or negative (-). |
Renewal Date |
The date the account was last renewed. |
N/A |
Service Charge |
Amount of service charges for the month on the account. |
Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Status |
A field used to exclude certain deposit accounts. |
Sometimes you need more than one code. Provide a list of codes that
your institution uses. |
Term |
The term of the time deposit in months. |
Only required for time deposits. There may be two fields listed: one to identify
the time value and one to define the time measurement (days or months). If not
available, this field can be computed from Origination Date and Maturity Date. |