Most Profitable Relationships
Also known as Profitable Relationships, this panel initially lists the institution's five most profitable relationships.
Use the Most|Least toggle to switch to a listing of the institution's five least profitable relationships. In each panel, loans and deposits are listed for every relationship, along with the profit amount and return on equity (ROE).
The relationship rows in each panel are sorted by Profit, with the highest profit value at the top of the most profitable view. The lowest profit value appears at the top when the least profitable relationships are shown.
The final row shows the total of each Loans, Deposits, and Profit column for the listed relationships.
The values shown in this panel are not editable. Relationships that you have the rights to view, as assigned by the organization and officers, appear as hyperlinks. Selecting the relationship name takes you to that relationship's Relationship View page, where different aspects of the relationship can be examined in more detail.