Reconciling Cash Flows

The Cash Flows section of the Reconciliation Summary page shows the number of accounts that have cash flow errors. An error indicates that there is a difference between the month-end balance and the cash flows.

Common cash flow errors include:

  • Month-end balances include errors in manual adjustments.
  • A file did not download the cash flow schedule for an account.
  1. Select Update > Reconciliation Summary.
  2. Verify that the appropriate Month and Organization appear.
    Note: If the institution has multiple balancing organizations, then a drop-down menu lets you select a different organization.
  3. Select the Accounts Have Errors link in the Cash Flows section to see each account and its error.

    Cash flow errors.

  4. Select an account and one branch or all branches on the Cash Flows page to see the error.

    You can select the top-level account with All Branches to reconcile all errors for all branches at one time. Select an individual branch to reconcile only that branch.

    The Difference field shows the amount difference between the month-end balance and the cash flow balance. You must reconcile this amount.

  5. Select Reconcile to determine how to treat the difference in terms of the cash flows.

    The Reconcile page opens. The difference amount defaults in the Balance field.

    Reconcile screen.

  6. Fill in or modify the additional fields, and then select Apply.

    The Calculate Rate option allows you to auto-calculate the Rate amount.

    If you select the Carry Instrument Forward to Next Month option, then the record completes this action. Use this tool for accounts that have a non-amortizing cash flows schedule so that you do not have to re-enter the records each month.

  7. View or edit reconciled accounts that disappear from the error list by selecting the Reconciled tab on the Cash Flows page.
  8. Select Reconciliation Summary to return to the Reconciliation Summary page.
    Note: Another way to reconcile cash flows is to use the Autocorrect option, which reconciles any differences that are less than what appears in the Threshold field. The following month's cash flow includes the difference.
The Cash Flows section updates with the number of accounts that you reconcile.
Complete the additional sections on the Reconciliation Summary page as needed.