Address Line 1 |
Provides the first line of the customer's address. |
N/A |
Address Line 2 |
Provides the second line of the customer's address. |
N/A |
Business/Individual Flag |
Flag to determine whether the customer is a business or individual. |
Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
City |
Provides the city for the address. |
N/A |
Country |
Provides the name of country for the address. |
N/A |
County |
Provides the name of county for the address. |
N/A |
Customer Date of Birth |
The customer's date of birth, if an individual. |
N/A |
Customer First Name |
Customer's first name. |
N/A |
Customer ID |
A unique value that identifies the customer. |
Same identifier as provided in the customer file. |
Customer Last Name |
Customer's last name. |
N/A |
Customer Middle Name |
Customer's middle name. |
N/A |
Customer Name |
Field used as a name for customer. Contains entire name: first, last, and
sometimes middle initial. |
N/A |
Email |
Customer contact email. |
N/A |
Household Income |
Estimated annual income for a customer. |
N/A |
Insider Code |
Used for account exclusions that indicate not to load data. For example, employee
account information. |
Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Code to identify the type of business. For example, all
manufacturing businesses have the same code. |
N/A |
Phone Number |
Business or individual phone number. |
N/A |
State |
Provides the state for the address. |
N/A |
ZIP Code |
Provides the ZIP code for the address. |
N/A |