Data Field Definitions - Loans
This table lists and describes all the loan fields used in FPS.
FPS Loan Fields | Field Descriptions | Notes |
Account Number | An identifier used to determine an account. | This number must be unique for each row in the file. |
Accrual Basis | The method used to count the number of days in each month and year to calculate interest income. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Accrual Status | Identifier to determine if the loan is accruing or not. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Adjustment Frequency | The frequency at which the financial institution can adjust the interest rate on the account. | There may be two fields listed: one to identify the time value and one to define the time measurement (days or months). Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Adjustment Initial Period | Adjustment frequency for the initial term between origination and first repricing date. | There may be two fields listed, one to identify the time value and one to define the time measurement (days or months). Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Average Balance | The average balance for the month. | If not available, this value can be calculated using the aggregate balance and number of days. If neither are available, the ending balance is used. |
Branch Number | Used to identify the specific branch or revenue center that owns this account. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Call Report ID | Value that defines mapping to regulatory call reports. | Anticipating regulatory changes to call report. |
Ceiling or Floor Term | Number of months that the ceiling or floor is in effect. | There may be two fields listed, one to identify the time value and one to define the time measurement (days or months). Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Charge Off Amount | The amount of a loan that has been charged off. | N/A |
Charge Off Status | Identifier to determine if a loan has been charged off. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Closed Date | The date that the account was closed. | N/A |
Credit Limit | The amount of credit extended to a client. | N/A |
Credit Rating Code | The institution's internal risk rating for the loan. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Current Index | Identifies the index that an account is tied to. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Customer ID | A unique value that identifies the customer. | Same identifier as provided in the customer file. |
Deferred Loan Costs (Premium) | Current/Remaining Balance of unamortized costs. | Needed to calculate effective yield. CECL requires DCF where cash flows are discounted at effective yield. |
Deferred Loan Fees (or Discount) | Current/Remaining Balance of unamortized fees. | Needed to calculate effective yield. CECL requires DCF where cash flows are discounted at effective yield. |
Ending Balance | Balance remaining at the end of the month when the file is generated. | N/A |
FICO® Score (or Equivalent) | Outside credit-rating agency score. | Others include Equifax®, TransUnion®, and Experian®. |
Final Draw Date | The number of months to the final draw for a construction loan. | N/A |
Funding Curve Date | The date used to determine the yield curve to use for Funds Transfer Pricing. | Typically, this date is derived from the Last Repricing Date, Renewal Date, or Origination Date—whichever is most recent. |
Initial Draw Amount | The amount in dollars at the closing of the loan. | It is unlikely that your core system has this value. Usually, it is fine to leave this field unmapped and accept the default of $0. However, you may choose to create your own assumption such as 20% of the Loan Amount. |
Initial Repayment Amount | The amount in dollars of the initial repayment for a development loan. | It is unlikely that your core system has any products that map to Development Loan products. This field is provided for those institutions that do. |
Initial Repayment Term | The number of months of the initial repayment for a development loan. | It is unlikely that your core system has any products that map to Development Loan products. This field is provided for those institutions that do. |
Interest Income | Amount of interest income for the month. | N/A |
Interest Rate | The contractual interest rate on a given account. | N/A |
Last Repricing Date | The last date on which the loan had the interest rate adjusted. | N/A |
Line of Credit Average Percent Outstanding | The expected usage on a line of credit. | It is unlikely that your core system has this value. In almost all cases, it is fine to use an assumed constant value of 65-75% for this field. |
Loan Fees | Amount of any fees collected on a loan. | There could be several fields listed if fees are tracked separately. |
Loan to Value | LTV derived during underwriting process at origination. | N/A |
Maturity Date | The date of the final maturity for a loan. | N/A |
Maximum Usage Percent | The maximum expected usage for a construction loan expressed as a percentage of the loan amount. | It is unlikely that your core system has this value. In almost all cases, it is fine to leave this field unmapped and accept the default of 100%. |
Next Payment Date | The date when the next payment is due. | N/A |
Next Repricing Date | The next date on which the loan's interest rate can be adjusted. | N/A |
Number of Draws After Initial | The number of draws that will occur after the initial draw. | It is unlikely that your core system has this value. However, a simple workaround (with only minimal impact) is to map the Expected Life to this field. |
Number of Repayments | The number of repayments of principal remaining. | It is unlikely that your core system has any products that map to Development Loan products. This field is provided for those institutions that do. |
Officer ID | Identifies the employee who manages or is responsible for the account. | N/A |
Original Balance | The amount of the loan at the time of origination. | N/A |
Original Interest Rate | The initial rate when the loan was opened. | N/A |
Origination Date | The date that the loan was opened. | N/A |
Participation % | The percentage of the loan sold or owned. | N/A |
Participation Amount | The dollar amount of the loan sold or owned. | N/A |
Participation Status | Indicates if a portion of the loan is sold or owned. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Payment Amount | Scheduled payment on the loan. | Required for fixed-rate loans. |
Payment Frequency | Identifies the number of months between scheduled payments. | There may be two fields listed: one to identify the time value and one to define the time measurement (days or months). Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Payment Type | Indicates if a payment is interest only, single pay, or amortizing. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Period Ceiling | Defines the highest rate adjustment allowed for an adjustment period. | N/A |
Period Floor | Defines the lowest rate adjustment allowed for an adjustment period. | N/A |
Product ID | Identifies the type of loan product for the loan being downloaded (e.g., CLOC = Commercial Line of Credit). | Sometimes more than one code must be included to distinguish one product from another. For example, Class Code, Rate Type, and Term might all be used to distinguish between loan products. Include all codes that may be necessary and provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Rate Ceiling | Defines the highest rate allowed for the life of the loan. | N/A |
Rate Floor | Defines the lowest rate allowed for the life of the loan. | N/A |
Rate Type | An identifier used to determine if the account is fixed or variable. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Rate Variance | A rate that identifies the amount of "spread" above or below a rate index that is used to determine the interest rate on the account. | You may also need to provide a separate field that indicates if the value is positive (+) or negative (-). |
Renew Extension Balance | The loan amount at renewal. | N/A |
Renewal Date | The date the loan was last renewed. | N/A |
Servicing Complexity | Identifier to determine the servicing complexity level: Simple, Average, or Complex. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Status | A field used to exclude certain loans. | Sometimes more than one code is needed. Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Tax Status | Determines whether the loan is taxable or not. | Provide a list of codes that your institution uses. |
Term | Number of months in which the loan agreement is in force. | There may be two fields listed: one to identify the time value and one to define the time measurement (days or months). If not available, this field can be computed from Origination Date and Maturity Date. |
Additional CECL Fields | Field Descriptions | Notes |
Charge.Off.Type | The type of charge-off: Partial, Full, etc. | N/A |
Collateral.Value | The collateral value of a particular loan. | N/A |
CRE Current LTV | The current Loan to Value ratio for a loan that is categorized as Commercial Real Estate (CRE), for the month when the file is generated. | N/A |
CRE Occupancy Fraction | The Occupancy percent for a loan that is categorized as a CRE, for the month when the file is generated. | N/A |
CRE Owner Occupied | The current Loan to Value ratio for a loan that is categorized as a CRE, for the month when the file is generated. | N/A |
CRE Property Condition | Specifies whether the property is in poor, fair, good, or excellent condition. | N/A |
CRE Property Type | Office space, retail space, industry type, residential housing, etc. | N/A |
Days.Delinquent | The number of days the loan is delinquent, at month-end. | N/A |
Debt.Protection | An indicator that the customer has debt protection, such as Credit Life Insurance. | An indicator is needed. Either 0 for false, 1 for true. |
DSCR | The Debt Service Coverage ratio for a customer that owns the loan record. | N/A |
DTI | Debt to Income ratio. A typical analytic used for underwriting decision-making. | N/A |
Expiration Date | For credit cards especially, but could apply to any LOC. | CECL requires expected loss to be projected out no farther than the expiration date of the LOC. |
Performance.Date | The date that indicates the month and year for which the extract was prepared. |
Format is YYYY-MM-DD. Default the date to the last date of the month. Provided by Financial Performance Suite. |
Principal Received | The number of principal payments received for a loan. | N/A |
Purchases | The sum of all advances made on the LOC during a month, for the customer that owns the loan record. | N/A |
Recovery Amount | The amount recovered after a charge-off. | N/A |
TDR | Troubled Debt Restructuring. | Alerts the model if a loan has been restructured as a work out. |
Total.Loan.Balances | The total Ending Balance at the end of the month, when the file is generated for the customer. | Provided by Financial Performance Suite. |