Pricing Loans
Each row on the Pricing Loans page provides key information about a single instrument for proposed and booked loans when the grid is not filtered or summarized.
Proposed loans have an initial check box and a Delete option that appears after the last grid column. You can select one or more check boxes to cause the Reassign option to appear. Use this option to reassign the loan to a different officer.
Loans that are booked and loaded into the application via the Monthly Update Process page show a Customer ID in the last grid column. Multiple rows can show the same ID since a customer can have more than one loan.
You can sort, filter, and export the Loans page grid data. Use the Summarize By drop-down list to summarize the information in the grid. You can apply one or more options. The options are:
- Officer
- Status
- Loan Type
- Organization
Selecting the arrow next to an organization name when the grid is not filtered or summarized causes loan details to appear.
Selecting the View Pricing Opportunity link in the loan details takes you to the Pricing Opportunity loan form to view all the loan's settings. You can select the options in the navigation panel to see settings related to the selected option, such as Basic Information, Interest Options, or Loan Fees.