CECL Categories

The Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) Categories page allows you to drill down to the loan categories included in the CECL data.

Select a link in the Active, Closed, or Charged Off column on the CECL Summary page to open the CECL Categories page.

CECL Categories page.

The CECL Categories page shows a summarized list of CECL category names. Expand a category name to show the financial institution's mapped categories.

For each of the lower-level categories, non-zero numbers in the Active, Closed, and Charged Off columns appear as links that allow you to drill down to the CECL Details page. The CECL Details page provides instrument-level detail for each record in the selected category.

The Amount value for a category is the sum of all the ending balances of the records included in the category minus any participation-sold amounts.

If a selected month's Status is Needs Approval, then an Approve option appears. Unlike the CECL Summary page, no approval check boxes are shown because only one month's data is examined. Selecting Approve begins the validation process and returns you to the CECL Summary page where the selected month's Status is changed to Scheduled.