Data Field Definitions - Relationship Files

This table lists and describes all the relationship fields used in FPS.

FPS Relationship Fields Field Descriptions Notes
Account Name The name associated with the account. N/A
Account Number An identifier used to determine an account. This number must be unique for each row in the file.
Application ID An identifier used to determine the type of account. For example, "L" represents a loan and "CD" is a time deposit. Provide a list of codes that your institution uses.
Customer ID A unique value that identifies the customer. Same identifier as provided in the customer file.
Customer Name Field used as a name for customer. N/A
Relationship Code An identifier that defines how a customer is related to that account. For example, "P" is primary and "S" is a signer. Provide a list of codes that your institution uses.
Relationship ID Field used to identify which relationship that the customer belongs to. N/A
Relationship Name Field used as name for the relationship. N/A