Assigning Customers to Relationships

You can assign customers to relationships on the Manage Relationships page.

Before you can assign customers to a relationship, you must add the relationship from the Add Relationship functionality or the Manage Relationships functionality.
  1. Navigate to the Manage Relationships page via one of the following methods.
    • Select Profitability > Customer > Manage Relationships.
    • Select Pricing > Pricing > Manage Relationships.
  2. Select the check box that precedes the name of a relationship.
    The Customers list appears.
    Relationship and Customer lists on the Manage Relationships page.

  3. Select "" Add for the Customer list.
    The Add Customers to Relationship dialog box opens.
  4. Enter at least three characters in the Customer Name field.
    Tip: It is possible to search on two or more strings of three or more characters simultaneously using the OR or || (double pipe symbol) operators.
  5. Select Go.
    Matching data drawn from existing customer names that are brought into the application from the Monthly Update Process appears.
  6. Select one or more check boxes from the search results list.

    Add Customers to Relationship dialog box.

  7. Select Add to assign the selected customers to the active relationship.
    The customer names, IDs, and current relationships appear in the Customers list. An option to recalculate affected calculations also appears.
    Customer list and Calculate option.

  8. Repeat this process until all the necessary customers are assigned to the relationship.

After you assign the customer, then you can "" remove the assigned customer from the user-defined relationship. You cannot manually create, edit, or delete customers on the Manage Relationships page.

Only one instance of a customer can exist in a single relationship, but customers can belong to multiple relationships.

Solo-relationship customers are handled differently when they are removed from user-defined relationships.

After you add or remove a customer from a relationship, then you must run the customer-related calculations.