Accessing Training Guides on Help Center

Use this information to access the Financial Performance Suite (FPS) training guides and other product documentation on Jack Henry Help Center.

  1. Navigate to the For Clients portal.
    The For Clients administrator (FC Admin) at your company must provide you with a username and password to the portal.
  2. Select Tools/Administration > Help Center.

    The Help Center link is found in the Educational Tools section.

    For Clients portal Help Center link in menu.

    You can also access the link from the ProfitStars Financial Performance Suite page in the Help & How To section.

    For Clients portal Help Center link on FPS product page.

    Help Center opens.

    Help Center home page.

  3. Select the Financial Performance Suite tile.

    Financial Performance Suite product tile.

    The FPS documentation Library opens.

    Financial Performance Suite library.

  4. Select a publication in the library to open it.
  5. Use the Table of Contents to navigate through the open publication.
    You can also use the Search function to search for key terms, use the parent-child links within each topic, or use the navigational arrows to move through the publication.

The "" Save PDF option allows you to save the selected topic with or without its subtopics or save all topics in the publication as a PDF.

The "" Add To My Collections option allows you to add the selected topic and its subtopics or add the entire publication to the My Collections page. You can create a library of content that is specific to your needs with this option.